I'd decided to have a go at making eggnog..I'd never made it before and the only time I'd tried anything like it was when I used to work in Starbucks and tasted the mix used for the lattes! But it was actually fairly easy and cheap, I used this recipe. The only problem I ran into was my lack of whisk but luckily Caketin brought me her electric one round so the day was saved :) The result? Delicious! I was pleasantly surprised and will hopefully make some for Christmas day...
We also had an abundance of mulled wine which is a bargainous £2 is Asda at the moment!
Pretty fairylights adorn everything in my flat right now...most of them stay up all year round as well!
I made cinnamon Christmas cupcakes which went down rather well despite them being a little flat! This picture is actually of my coffee and walnut ones made a couple of weeks ago..still my favourite :)
It was a really fun evening, the only problem being that we didn't actually get round to watching the film! But it was really good to catch up with everyone, make ridiculous jokes and generally ahve fun drinking and chatting :) I bloody love those people!
Hope you're feeling just as festive!
Miss x