As you may have guessed, it has been an incredibly hard month. Many things have gone wrong and at times it seems difficult to see a way out. I've been lucky in that I've had some truly amazing friends to sort me out ♥ thank you!
In an attempt to find the positive again, I've decided to make a list of things I am looking forward to :) Maybe I can focus on this instead of the bad!
1. Putting up the Christmas tree and decorations
2. Festive Film Festival...the lovely Caketin has come up with this fab idea! All our friends are taking it in turns to host a Christmas film evening :) Mine is going to be Santa Clause The Movie and I'm hoping to make eggnog, mulled wine and Christmas cupcakes...hurrah!
3. My parents moving in to a beautiful old cottage..and getting a dog!
4. Return of craft nights and getting my knit on again :)
5. £10 nights out. I need to dance my socks off and have a bit of fun.
6. Dressmaking. I'm determined to have a go, my mum is going to have to help massively!
There you go, a list of 6 things to look forward to...I don't think that's bad :)
Fairly therapeutic and I recommend doing this when you're having a really rubbish day!
Miss x
P.s Huuuge thank you to Caketin for sending me the Darwin Deez 'Bad Day' vid I posted last...it helped a lot!
Awww you are such a sweetie! Love you lots :) xo