Thursday, 18 November 2010

Looking Forward To...

As you may have guessed, it has been an incredibly hard month. Many things have gone wrong and at times it seems difficult to see a way out. I've been lucky in that I've had some truly amazing friends to sort me out ♥ thank you!

In an attempt to find the positive again, I've decided to make a list of things I am looking forward to :) Maybe I can focus on this instead of the bad!

1. Putting up the Christmas tree and decorations
2. Festive Film Festival...the lovely Caketin has come up with this fab idea! All our friends are taking it in turns to host a Christmas film evening :) Mine is going to be Santa Clause The Movie and I'm hoping to make eggnog, mulled wine and Christmas cupcakes...hurrah!
3. My parents moving in to a beautiful old cottage..and getting a dog!
4. Return of craft nights and getting my knit on again :)
5. £10 nights out. I need to dance my socks off and have a bit of fun.
6. Dressmaking. I'm determined to have a go, my mum is going to have to help massively!

There you go, a list of 6 things to look forward to...I don't think that's bad :)
Fairly therapeutic and I recommend doing this when you're having a really rubbish day!

Miss x
P.s Huuuge thank you to Caketin for sending me the Darwin Deez 'Bad Day' vid I posted helped a lot!

Eye Candy

My parents went away recently for a little holiday in Dartmouth. They stayed in a beautiful place and found this rather wonderful shop (details to come...)

Sadly they didn't come back with an abundance of these cameras but I have my fingers crossed for Christmas :) It also led to some interesting future career plans with my parents..I have my fingers crossed for this very distant future prospect!

I particulalry love the fact that they have the toy cameras above the loose tea display..kind of my ideal! Never attempted loose tea myself, I am a lazy tea bag in a mug kind of person. But does it taste any different? Anyone else tried it?

Miss x

Monday, 15 November 2010

Bad Day

This is for someone special. You suck.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010


Well today has been a fairly stressful day at work and it doesn't look like the week's going to get much better. So, in view of that I've decided to distract myself with pretty pictures and things that make me happy! Childish, but that's part of the fun right?! ;)

I have also recently realised I have far less fairy lights in my flat than I would like. Christmas time, I intend to bulk by and fill my world with tiny lights! (I'm also incredibly excited it's almost Christmas..huzzah!)

In other news, I am desperate for a chai tea latte (no water) and if it could come in a red Starbucks cup, so much the better :) I really wish I lived nearer to many coffee shops...that's the dream kids!

All images from weheartit
Miss x

Monday, 8 November 2010

Hello Again....

My it's been a while!

Partly due to lack of internet and home these days and partly to some crazy stuff going on, I haven't blogged in a while...and I actually miss it! I'm not the most regular blogger in the world and go through stages of many posts to not having a lot to say, but I am glad to be back :)
So Autumn has arrived! It's is my very favourite season of them all and I get overly excited by kicking up fiery leaves (my friend found this hilarious the other day). But it's just so darn pretty and a great excuse to get out the hats and scarves...I do love to accessorise ;)

These days I am rarely seen out of my new brown boots ♥ One of my favourite looks is tea dresses and battered boots, a kind of mixture of hard and soft. A brown pair and a good black pair of biker boots is essential for this, and then as many pretty dresses as possible!

Some rather beautiful inspiration for this look...

1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

Turns out I also ♥ bowler hats at the moment! Bought myself a red one for Halloween (went as a clown) but may now have to add a black to the collection..hurrah!

Miss x