Sunday, 31 January 2010

New Materials :)

I am loving this weekend so far...

Friday night, we went to a gig which was really good...I even had my favourite song played for me :) Then it was back to mine for drinks and general silliness! I seriously love my friends ♥

Saturday, after nursing a horrendous headache (self inflicted), it was lunch at our favourite pub then out for a spot of shopping. I managed to get some more materials for headband making and I'm quite excited about it!

Aren't the strawberries so cute?!

Today I've had a lazy morning watching Big Love and a little bit of crafting. I've been trying to figure out how to make fabric flowers/rosettes. Below is my first attempt with my least favourite fabric ofthe bunch, just in case it went pear shaped!

It was an incredibly simple one to do (just lots of gathering) but I've found a few other styles which I'm going to try when I have more time :)

Off for coffee now with my favourite Sunday crowd, I've been craving a cinammon latte...

Hope you weekend has been awesome :)

Miss x

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Stuck In My Head... this song :)

Can't hep but sing along ♥

Had a lovely little craft evening tonight..the gorgeous Caketin even made us cupcakes!(photos to come..I can't find my camera phone lead) They were super yummy and covered in hundreds and favourite :)

My knitting is coming along slowly and more holes are appearing! But I figure I'll cover them up with pretty ribbon or buttons :) It's my first attempt, so we shall see...

Busy week this one and a lack of good sleep (boo!) but I'm looking forward to a gig on Friday and catching up with friends...I ♥ it when they all come over, it makes my flat feel cosy :)

Sleep attempt number a zillion...wish me luck!

Miss x

Friday, 15 January 2010

Happy 101 :)

The gorgeous curly haired Miss Alexa and beautiful knitting queen Miss Caketin, have passed on the Happy 101 award to me :)

"This award is for all the ladies in the blogging community that bring a smile to your face. So...along with this award I am to list 10 things that make me HAPPY and pass the award on to 10 ladies that make me smile."
Thank you ladies :)

Here are the things that make me the most Happy!

1. Coffee shops... they make my Sundays

2. Collecting vinyl... the more colourful the better

3. Red Lipstick... I want to wear it every day

4. Friends... they are incredible

5. Photos... I just can't stop myself
6. Cupcakes... hello new obsession

7. Fashion... I fall in love

8. Second hand bookshops... they smell good

9. Headbands... pretty

10. Nail varnish... the darker the better

Well that did make me smile :) Now for my ten lovely blogging ladies...

Little Bird Crafts
These lovely ladies are fab :) I can often be found perusing their sites for crafting ideas and just general prettiness!
Miss x

P.S my massive apologies that this has taken so long to do! I started ages ago, then my little laptop was causing me problems so I had a minor tantrum and abandoned it..ahem :P

Something New for the Weekend...

I was a bit of busy bee during my snow days and have made 2 more headbands :)

The first one is using a badge that I found in Accessorize in the sale. I've taken off the safety pin (it was too heavy of the ribbon) and stitched it onto a black piece of satin ribbon. With all my headbands, I use ribbon and a small bit of elastic sewn in which hides nicely at the back :) It just means a better fit to your head!

The second headband was a bit more work, but something I had wanted to do for a while. It's a bit of a cross between the military and nautical theme which you see a lot of these days (and I am obsessed with both!). I used blue satin ribbon, a length of gold cord and the gold fastenings. I made the blue headband first, then stitched the gold cord in place. I only stitched it in about 4 places, just to keep it in the middle. I then sewed the fastening into place :)

I have to say, I think I'll avoid satin ribbon in future as it's tends to be very slippy and doesn't always stay on my head very well! Might be an idea, if you want that look, to double it up with a matt ribbon underneath.

Run out of ribbon now, but have lots more ideas :) Now the snow's clearing I might be able to get to the shops! Going to try and carry on with knitting in the meantime.

Cup of tea time, my friends! Hope your weekend is lovely :)

Miss x

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Point and Click

I've had a fantastic find today!

Whilst doing a clearout at work, I stumbled across a Polaroid 636 Close Up camera! I was most excited, and as it was about to be chucked, I rescued the poor thing and it is now pride of place in my home :)

Only problem is getting hold of some film, as it's a little pricey. But I've been desperate for a polaroid camera for ages (in fact, had an obsession with them when I was 15) and have been nosing around on ebay for a while, so seeing as it was free, I don't mind paying for film :)

Other exciting camera brother (best ever) has got me a fuji instax for my birthday ♥ (1 more week to go!)

Looking forward to playing with this little doll :)

I'm known amongst my friends for always having my camera ready (they don't always love this!) and I can't help myself in taking pictures of people. I have to say, I'm not a great one for landscape photos....I prefer to point and click at people, especially when they pull silly faces or pose with a giant calculator ;)

I ♥ photos

And so begins my camera collection! I've been reading lots and looking at different examples of cameras on lots of blogs and the future 3 I have my eye on are:

Lomography Fisheye

Diana F+ 'Mr Pink'


I'm already super excited about showing you my photo experiments :)

Miss x