I blame my alternative clubbing days (still ongoing..ahem). When I lived in Cardiff, we frequented the grubby, basement, musically glorious places. Metros was a favourite, along with Clwb Ifor Bach, Barfly and the Uni night Factory. God I miss those places! Luckily I have found similar joy in Southsea :)
The standard look for these nights out was a pair of jeans, a vest top with a skull on it somewhere, and a pair on Converse/Golas. There was also various bits of bright plastic jewellery/belts..hey, I was embracing my inner emo!
But it basically meant that I pretty much never wore heels. And this is something I have managed to avoid for a fair few years (god bless you ballet pumps and flip flops). However, it's never stopped me lusting after the high heeled shininess.
Most years, my new years resolution is to wear heels more...and of course be a better person, organise stuff, blah blah blah. But, yes, heels. Every year I fail, pretty much straight after I buy a pair of beautiful heels and then cut my feet up, causing me to hobble around barefoot, clutching a vast box of plasters everywhere I go.
Yet, these times, they are a'changing! For my first 2 weeks at work, I have forced myself to stay in my heels. Admittedly, they're very low, beginners heels, but we're getting there! (We won't talk about the beautiful red patent shoes...ouch.)
I'm not going to lie, there is a certain 'feeling' you get when wearing heels. Oh sod it, I feel powerful and sexy dammit! The only problem is, the lusting has begun. Below are some of my very favourite shoes I have recently found and may actually be able to wear some day!

When I die, if someone could just bury me in these, that would be ace. Thanks.

Miss x
Pic 1 - Topshop, Pic 2 & 3 - New Look, Pic 4, 5 & 6 - Pinterest
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